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"SubscribeStar Up To Date!"

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update on the status of everything.

About a week ago, I realized a much faster way to be able to post my images to SubscribeStar. So, in the last few days, I have been able to crank out a ton of posts to SubscribeStar and that platform is now currently up to date with SS will also be updated redundantly alongside MB going forward so that whatever is available on MB will also be available on SS.

For those of you who have been patiently waiting to view my content, I encourage you to join to now enjoy all my available work! If for some reason there is an image that I may have missed that you are anxious to see, please let me know and I will gladly post it to SS.

On another note, it has come to my attention that some of you who have messaged me via the ‘contact’ page have not received my replies. Another wonderful flub/glitch/oversight/failure (whatever you want to call it) by the outstanding morons that run the company called Wix. From now on, I will be removing the Wix contact featuring and relying primarily on standard email. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, etc., please email me at

I hope you all enjoy the content over at SS and I will keep everyone up to date as to when will get resurrected. My plan to work with Shinybound to build a new website is still in the works, but SS will have to do in the meantime to continue to bring my new art to everyone!


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