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"Stolen Lovers"

As Amanda and Britany struggle, they think back to better days. Days prior to their capture and eventual bondage restraint. Sleeping in late on a cold Saturday morning during winter. Cuddled underneath their thick comforter with no place to go. The time Britney forgot to tell Amanda that she had changed their dinner reservations to a different restaurant, only to leave Amanda sitting at the bar, waiting alone. Or their first date, when Amanda willingly carried Britney through the woods after she had sprained her ankle during their hike. The ups and downs. The good times and the bad, which all led to this moment. The ultimate low.

Captured and taken to a deep containment bunker miles and miles from civilization, the two lovers struggle helplessly in strict restraint while a vibrating bullet pulses steadily between the two girls’ pelvises. The girls try to communicate with one another, but the thick leather panels strapped firmly over their mouths make it impossible to utter a single word. Nothing but moans and whimpers can be heard from the confines of Amanda and Britney’s 4’x3’ cell.

The excruciating position of the girls’ elbows being welded together behind their backs with a series of leather straps was only lightly obscured by the pulsing of the vibrating bullet. The pair of mitts sealed over each captive’s hands and fingers ensured their escape beyond impossible. Britney tries to lean away from the vibrator, pulling Amanda closer. Amanda whimpers in discomfort as the vibrator presses firmly against her vagina. Britney’s eyes widen as she realizes the agony she is putting her girlfriend through, so she leans forward to accept her half of the vibrating pulses that taunt and overwhelm the poor young women.

What a terrible existence. To be captured out of nowhere and stripped of their freedom for good. A freedom that only resides in their memories. Haunting them with each moment that passes as they endure the horrific tortures that accompany their circumstance. No matter how much Amanda and Britney fight their bondage, the notion of freedom is unobtainable. Destined to live in strict restraint in a cell barely able to fit one captive, let alone two, and exiled from the life of happiness and comfort that the captives knew only mere weeks ago.

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