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Updated: Dec 21, 2021

In the past several months, many people have written to me asking about being able to pay with a credit card. As some of you might know, upon the initial launch of, members were able to pay using a credit card. At this time, cannot accept credit card payments, but after weeks of updating and posting, I am finally able to announce that I have an alternative to for those who would like to pay using a credit card.

Fanbox is an affiliate of a Japanese website that I stumbled upon a few years ago called PixIV. There, I have posted all the same content that is available in the members galleries of as an alternative to those who have had problems with PayPal or have not been able to sign up using PayPal. Of course, is still going to be updated and prioritized as much as I always have, this alternative is merely a mirrored version of the site for those who have had (or continue to have) issues joining

I will post to at the same time that I post to to make sure that everyone is up to date with the latest content and releases. The Fanbox page is not in the same gallery format that is, but I tried to use as many tags for each image as I could to hopefully make navigation a bit easier. For example, if you wanted to see all the images from a particular “Trussed Tales” story, there is a tag that you can click on that will bring up all the images from that story. I also used tags for particular themes and content. So if you are a fan of blindfolds for example, every image that has a blindfold in it should come up when clicking on that tag. Granted, there are only 6 tags allowed for each image, so for certain images with a lot of content in them, I had to try to choose wisely.

This portion of the site is fairly new to me, so should you choose to try out, please let me know how it worked out for you. Was it easy to sign up? Were there any glitches? Any problems viewing content? Do the tags make sense? Etc.

As always, thank you all very much for the support and I hope some of you that had issues joining will give Fanbox a try.


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