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Emily Addison Bondage Custom

When one is so passionate about seeing girls tied up, it goes hand in hand that they would become fans of the bondage riggers and especially the bondage models who are willing to put themselves in some pretty amazing situations for our entertainment. Like any other industry of this kind, many models come and go. Some do a shoot one time and decide that it’s not for them, and some make such a huge impact on the industry that just about everyone who has even thought about bondage becomes an instant fan, and deservingly so. I am beyond excited and proud to announce that a bucket list wish of mine has finally come true. I have been privileged with the opportunity to have a bondage custom shot with arguably the greatest bondage model of all-time, the one... the only... Emily FREAKING Addison!

I have been a HUGE fan of Emily ever since the very first time that I ever saw her. I would buy clips from an old clips store featuring a young, blonde Emily in her early twenties. She seemed to enjoy straitjackets quite often and I couldn’t help but fall in love right away. All my experiences of seeing girls tied up before Emily were women that were older than me, and that was just what I used to. Emily was the first model that was right in the same age bracket as me, within a year to be exact. I’ve watched Emily come up from her very first bondage scenes, to working with more well-known producers and riggers like Dominic Wolfe and Jay Edwards, and finally a recurring superstar on the Jim Weathers roster of hotties. Emily has since blossomed into an all out pornstar and has thousands of fans all over the world. She’s been in a couple of low budget Hollywood flix and I’ll never forget the time that I saw her on TV late one night, and no, it wasn’t a ‘Skinamax’ type program. It was some sort of program showcasing people who were interested in having their dogs become ‘professional actors’ of sorts. Normally, not something that I would really be interested in, but I just happened to be flipping by and at just the right moment, I saw a familiar face being interviewed by the camera. I immediately flipped back and said aloud “Holy shit! That’s Emily Addison!” I completely stopped everything that I was doing and Emily had my undivided attention (as she always has) for the remainder of the show.

Even when Emily first started and was doing her amateur bondage scenes, you could tell that there was something completely different about her compared to the other girls she worked with in the scenes. Emily would steal the show immediately and it was as if the other girls weren’t even in the scene. Emily has an infectious charisma about her that comes along only once in a great while. I may be going out on a limb here, but Emily could easily be considered an equivalent to The Beatles, but for bondage models. Emily made such a huge impact right from the beginning, and only seemed to get better with time and experience. Even through her many phases of hair changes, she still was able to crank out some of the greatest bondage content that I have ever seen. I’m not a huge fan of short hair on girls, but it worked for Emily when she did it. She’s such a natural beauty that it didn’t even matter.

Now, I am so proud and honored to be able to say that Emily Addison worked on something that I created. She read my script and put in an effort to make it her own. To provide me and everyone else an opportunity to see her do her best where she has for so many years, being tightly bound and gagged for our enjoyment.

You can find this scene at ShinyBound’s website or his clip store Hope you enjoy!

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